Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving from Les, Herb and the Big Guy!!

Like most people I have certain shows that I love to watch that are just associated with a season.

It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown for Halloween

Charlie Brown Christmas, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, It's a Wonderful Life.....

You get the picture......certain shows are associated with a holiday season to me.

For Thanksgiving it's not the Macy Day Parade or football that gets me in the mood for's a memorable episode from a great old sitcom,

WKRP in Cincinnati

Some people remember WKRP because it was the show that first brought us Loni Anderson (not a bad thing to remember really!!) but I always think of turkeys when I hear the theme song...and I always have to laugh.

Happy Thanksgiving to all my favorite turkeys!!

Schedule for the Week of November 29 - December 4

Last week I mentioned an action packed December calendar and I wasn't lying!!  We have three home junior high basketball games this week along with high school wrestling at home on Tuesday and Saturday.  If you prefer traveling to show your support for the Wheelers you can go to Manning on Tuesday night for high school basketball, Atlantic on Thursday night for wrestling and Des Moines on Thursday and Saturday to support the high school dance team and our students involved in the Drake Honor band. We'll even be competing out of state this week as the high school wrestling team ventures over to Bennington, Nebraska for a tournament on Saturday the 4th. Wheeler fans should have no problems keeping busy this week!!  Here is my schedule:

Monday, November 29th

JH Boy's Basketball - 4:15 - Home vs. Mo Valley

Tuesday, November 30th

Building Meeting - 10:00 - Office
H.S. Wrestling - 6:30 - Home - BCIG & RC-L-So Cal

Wednesday, December 1st

PD Day - 2:15 Dismissal

Thursday, December 2nd

Copier Meeting - 10:00 - Office
Insurance Committee Meeting - 3:30 - ICN
JH BBB - 4:15 - Home - Riverside
H.S. WR - 5:30 - Atlantic - Griswold & Atlantic

Friday, December 3rd

WIC Superintendent Meeting - 11:30 - Minden
JH BBB - 4:15 - Home - Guthrie Center
Mary Poppins - Des Moines - 7:00 (yes, I said Mary Poppins!!)

Saturday, December 4th

Technology Conference - Minneapolis through Tuesday.

I will be back in my office on Wednesday, December 10th after attending the Technology in Education (TIE) Conference in Minneapolis Sunday through Tuesday afternoon.  Let's hope for good driving weather and quiet Viking fans!!  Have a great weekend.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Thank You for Supporting the Arts

On behalf of the Audubon Community School I want to take this opportunity to thank all those who made generous donations to our lighting project in the school’s auditorium.  For those of you who were able to attend our recent three-act play and vocal music concerts the new stage lighting system greatly increased the production values of each of these performances.  For the first time in many years audience members were able to see the smiling faces of their favorite performers in lighting that enhanced each production.
The final steps in this project will take place over Christmas break after which all features of the new system can be utilized.  Needless to say, without local people and organizations raising a little over $23,000 in donated funds this $34,000 project would not have become a reality.  Just another example of the outstanding support the school receives from the patrons of the Audubon Community School for our arts program.  Our students are truly blessed due to your support!
The lighting system was just the first of a series of upgrades that the school is planning on making to the auditorium.  As the only performing arts facility in Audubon County, and with the large number of students actively involved in the performing arts at Audubon Community School, the School Board and the school administration feel that it’s imperative that we not only maintain our auditorium but work to improve it for student performers and patrons.
Our next project, tentatively set for the summer of 2011, is to replace our stage curtains.  Although the curtains themselves are only twelve to fifteen years old, the hardware used in the operation of the curtains is mostly original equipment from 1964.  This project is estimated to cost around $20,000. Future projects include replacing the seating and upgrading the sound system. Once again, the school will actively be looking for donors to partner with to make these projects a reality.  If you are interested in assisting in these projects with a donation of either time or money please contact my office.
Sincerely Yours,

Brett Gibbs

Friday, November 19, 2010

Schedule for the Week of November 22 - 27

Even though it's a short week of school we have a lot of events on the everyone should be ready for a break come Thanksgiving Day.  This weekend should give everyone a chance to take one last deep breath before we plunge into an action packed December calendar. 

Monday, November 22nd

JH Boy's Basketball - 4:15 at Tri-Center
H.S. Girls Basketball  - 6:00 at Guthrie Center
Tuesday, November 23rd

Administrative Meeting - 9:00 - ICN
Winter Sports Pictures - JH & HS
H.S. Boys Basketball Jamboree - tba at Ellk Horn
Lion's Meeting - 6:30 - Memorial Building

Wednesday, November 24th

Special Ed. mtg. - 9:00 - ICN
Crisis Management Team mtg. - 12:00 - ICN
PD Day - 2:15 Dismissal

Thursday, November 25th

Thanksgiving Day - No School
(the annual Thanksgiving Day Parade has been canceled due to a lack of turkeys.....I will be in South Dakota!)

Friday, November 26th

No School

Saturday, November 27th

I hope everyone has safe travel over the holiday break and a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends. See you on Monday the 29th!!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Veteran's Day

On Thursday, November 11th I had the honor of introducing the guest speaker for our annual Veteran's Day program.  As I sat looking at the audience, I was amazed by how much our students seemed to be into the program....reciting the Pledge, singing God Bless America......not acting like they were just glad to be getting out of Algebra class (flashing back to my school days) but legitimately behaving like it was an honor for them to be there honoring our special guests, the veterans.

Then, as I performed my last duty as part of the ceremony, reading a list of names of area men and women who are either currently deployed or will be deployed shortly overseas, it occurred to me why the students seemed so involved with the program. 

These students, as young as they are, have been touched by war.  Sadly, most of them can hardly remember a time when our country wasn't involved in a war.  As I read down the list it struck me how emotionally involved our students, and the Audubon community,were with the war on terrorism. 

Those names that I was reading were the names of brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, sons and daughters of the people sitting in front of me and that realization hit me very hard.

Now, I'm not one to show a lot of emotion (like most guys I guess) I mean, of course I got misty eyed when Jim Brown died at the end of the Dirty Dozen and I was pretty chocked up when Kevin Costner got to play a game of catch with his dad at the end of Field of Dreams and what guy didn't shed a tear when Rudy finally got to play for Notre Dame. But other than that I'm usually pretty stoic.

But as I worked my way down the list I found my throat getting tighter as I announced each name, the name of a kid who a few years earlier was probably sitting in the crowd at one of these programs. I realized that these students, my students, had an emotional connection with each and every name.

Then I reached a name about halfway down the list that only one person in the gym had an emotional attachment too.  But for that person, the meaning of Veteran's Day will change forever....Thank you William, for serving this great country of ours!!  Your mom and I love you and pray for you everyday

Thank you to all Veteran's for your service to our deserve more than one day a year.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Schedule for the Week of November 15 - 20

The last full week of school before Thanksgiving break and it ends with a Pay Day!!  If you have a full week of work there's no better way to end it than by getting paid!! The girls basketball season tips off this week with the annual girls jamboree on Thursday night and I want to wish good luck to Brandon Mennenoh and Andy Hoffmann as they will be representing Audubon at the Iowa All-State Music Festival in Ames with the concert scheduled for Saturday night at 7:30.
Monday, November 15th

Boys Basketball  and Wrestling Practice start
JH Boy's Basketball Game - 4:15 - Home vs. AHST
National Honor Society - Commons Area - 6:30
School Board Meeting - ICN
                       - 6:30 - Policy Review Committee
                       - 7:00 Regular Board Meeting

Tuesday, November 16th

Wednesday, November 17th

PD Day - Early Dismissal - 2:15
Leadership Team Meeting - ICN - 3:30

Thursday, November 18th

School Board Convention - Des Moines - Depart at 6:45
All State Music Fesitval - Ames
JH Boy's Basketball - 4:15 - Treynor (Bus departs at 3:00)
GBB Jamboree - Home - 6:00

Friday, November 19th

All State Music Festival - Ames
Webinar - 10:00 - 11:00 - Office

Saturday, November 20th

All State Music Festiva - Ames - Concert @ 7:30

It looks like another great week ahead here at Audubon Community School....come on Pay Day!!!
Have a great weekend!!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Schedule for the Week of November 8 - 13

This week signals the end of our break in activities as the winter sports season gets underway with junior high boy's basketball games and high school girl's basketball practice starting up.  Most of you probably never realized that we were on break as the pace of life around Audubon Community School never seems to slow down.  Just a quick reminder to those of you who signed up for the School Alerts program I will be running a test of the system on Tuesday, so if you fail to received a notification you may want to check the School Alert site to make sure that you are signed up to receive the information.  Here is my schedule for next week:

Monday, November 8th

Girls Basketball Practice starts
JH Boy's Basketball Game - 4:15 - Home vs. Griswold
Volleyball Potluck - Commons Area - 6:30

Tuesday, November 9th

Administrative Meeting - ICN - 9:00
Test of School Alert System - 12:00
Football Potluck - ICN - 6:30
Lion's Meeting - Memorial Building - 6:30

Wednesday, November 10th

Family Sick Leave - Sioux Falls
PD Day - Early Dismissal - 2:15
Technology Committee Meeting - ICN - 3:30
(I plan on  participating through Skype)

Thursday, November 11th

Family Sick Leave - Sioux Falls
Veteran's Day Program - South Gym - 9:00
Google Online Training - 3:30
JH Boy's Basketball - 4:00 - Guthrie Center (Bus departs at 3:00)
5th & 6th Concert - Auditorium - 7:00

Friday, November 12th

Special Education Meeting - Office - 10:00

As you can see, I plan on being gone on Wednesday and Thursday for family medical leave in Sioux Falls.  I will be available by cell phone and email (one in the same with my new phone!!) if you need me and I do plan on participating in the Technology meeting on Wednesday through Mr. Graeve and Skype. It sounds like another good weather week, which puts us one week closer to spring!! (I'm a glass half full kind of guy)

Have a great weekend!!