Friday, December 31, 2010

Schedule for the Week of January 3 - January 8

As I update my weekly calendar it's 55 degrees outside and the snow is melting like crazy...It's great to live in Iowa!! (big blizzard in the Dakotas...suckers!!) We start the first week of the second semester off with a teacher work day on Monday with the morning dedicated to grades and preparation and the afternoon spent learning more about students who live in poverty. Students return on Tuesday to start their second semester classes.  Hard to believe, but the school year is half over...let's hope the second semester goes as well as the first!!

Monday, January 3rd

PD Day (no students)
Poverty Workshop

Tuesday, January 4th

AEA Meeting @ WDM - 9:00
Swimming Meet @ Carroll - 5:00

Wednesday, January 5th 

PD Day - 2:15 Dismissal
Drivers Ed. Interview - 3:00 - office

Thursday, January 6th

Wrestling Triangualar @ Panora - 6:00

Friday, January 7th

Band Spaghetti Supper - 5:00
GBB/BBB vs. Missouri Valley @ Home - 6:15

Saturday, January 8th

Wrestling Tournament @ Coon Rapids

If you have any questions or concerns please contact me or stop by the office for a visit.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Schedule for the Week of December 20 - January 3

As we wrap-up the first semester of the 2010 - 2011 school year we will end with a three day week (hopefully a quiet three day week) Just a reminder that on Wednesday, December 22nd, we will have our normal 2:15 dismissal time with students and staff free to leave at that time.  During the break I will be in the office on Thursday and Friday December 30th and 31st. The first day back to school for students will be on Tuesday, January 3rd....Have a Happy Holiday and enjoy your break.
Monday, December 20th

1:1 Meeting - 9:00 - Office
Policy Review Committee - 6:30 - ICN
Regular School Board Meeting - 7:00 - ICN

Tuesday, December 21st

SIAC Meeting - 4:00 - ICN

Wednesday, December 22nd

PD Day - 2:15 Dismissal
End of 1st Semester!!

Thursday, December 23rd - Sunday, December 26th

Out of Office

Monday, December 27th - Wednesday, December 29th

Out of office

Thursday, December 30th - Friday, December 31st

In office

Monday, January 3rd

Professional Development Day - No Students

Tuesday, January 4th

First Day of Second Semester
AEA Meeting - West Des Moines - 9:00

Over break you should be able to reach me either at the school or through my cellphone or email. (which in the case of a smart phone are one and the same) both of which can be found on the school web page and are placed there for people to use.  My home phone is listed as well so if you have a question or concern don't hesitate to contact me.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Schedule for the Week of December 13 - December 18

In looking at the schedule for next week it appears that we are trying to use every waking moment for school activities.   Between after school meetings and home basketball games it should be a busy week.  Throw in the vocal music concert on Thursday night and I could just as well move my bed and clothes over to my office.  I hope there is a good game on this week for Monday night football as that might be my only night to enjoy television.  Anyway, enough complaining...Here is my schedule:

Monday, December 13th

Tuesday, December 14th

Administrative Meeting - 9:00 - ICN
SIAC Meeting - 4:00 - ICN
Lion's Meeting - 6:00 - Memorial Building
G/B BB - Home - 6:15 - Griswold

Wednesday, December 15th

PD Day - 2:15 Dismissal
Leadership Team Meeting - 3:30 - ICN
Thursday, December 16th

Google Training - 3:30 - office
6 - 12 Vocal Concert - 7:30 - Auditorium

Friday, December 17th

G/B BB - Home - Riverside - 6:15

Saturday, December 18th

G/B BB - Home - Ar-We-Va - 6:00

I will be in the district all week and it looks like I will be at the school just about every night next week for events.  What a great way to head into the Christmas break!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Pearl Harbor Day

As a former History Teacher December 7th was always a day when no matter where we were in the history book, we had to stop and talk about Pearl Harbor and World War II.

Like most history teachers,( or at least most history teachers who coached) I loved teaching about wars.  I suppose because wars are easy to teach about since so much material is available. Anyway, I always felt that I did a good job teaching about Pearl Harbor and World War II...until now...

Looking back (with almost 25 years of hind sight) I realize how lousy a job I was really doing.  If only I had opened my eyes to the wealth of living, breathing resources that we had available to us.....resources that unfortunately, we are losing every single day.

A couple of weeks ago we had a gentleman, who was actually on a ship at Pearl Harbor on December 7th, come to the school to speak to our students !!  What a treasure he was....I hope our students realize how lucky they were to hear about this historical event from an eye witness.

I've also have the pleasure to belong to the local Lion's Club with a gentleman who not only fought in World War II but spent time in a German prison camp...again, a wonderful man who even with everything he's been through continues to give back to his community....Thanks Bill.

Today, my daughter sent me a copy of a story that appeared in the Sioux Falls newspaper about several gentleman from South Dakota who fought in World War II...the main interviewee is a man named Harold Thune who I had the pleasure of teaching with for a couple of years back in the early 1980's before he retired. Harold's is an amazing he left a basketball scholarship at the University of Minnesota to join the war effort and went on to shoot down four enemy planes in a single day.  He also happens to be the father of a U.S. Senator. If only I had been smart enough to use all of my available resources back much richer my students learning would have been if I had only utilized Mr. Thune in my history class...Harold thanks for your service to this's an honor to know you!!

Hope that you enjoy the story:  

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Schedule for the Week of December 6 - December 11

Not to have people doubt my intelligence anymore than they already do, but on Saturday, December 4th I will be headed to Minneapolis to attend a Technology in Education Conference. Currently they are predicting a possibility of ten inches of snow in the Twin Cities over the weekend!!  Most sane administrator would be headed south to a conference this time of year, but the words sane and administrator don't always go together.  Anyway, weather permitting, I will be back in the office on Wednesday, December 8th.  Here is my schedule:

Monday, December 6th
Technology in Education Conference - Minneapolis
Tuesday, December 7th
Technology in Education Conference - Minneapolis

Wednesday, December 8th
Project 60 Dinner - 12:00
PD Day - 2:15 Dismissal

Thursday, December 9th
Crisis Management meeting - 9:00 - 11:00 - ICN
First and Second Grade Concert - 6:30 - Elementary Gym

Friday, December 10th
Website Design Demonstration - 10:00 - 11:00 - ICN
Drop Out Prevention meeting - 1:00 - 3:00 - ICN

Saturday, December 11th

Please remember, even though I will be out of town on Monday and Tuesday, I will be checking in with the school on both of those days as well as checking my email messages. Have a great weekend.