Thursday, March 24, 2011

Schedule for the Week of March 28 - April 3

Here is my schedule for the week of March 28th through April 3rd.  With two home track meets this week it looks like another full week of fun!!  The winter sports break is over; bring on the Spring sports!! Here's what I have on my schedule this week:

Monday, March 28th 

Dental Appointment - 4:00

Tuesday, March 29th 

Boy's Track Meet - Home - 4:30

Wednesday, March 30th

Math/Science Academy Meeting - Carroll DMACC - 9:00
PD Early Out - 2:30
Technology Committee mtg. - 3:30 - ICN
ABLE II Training - 6:30 - Carroll

Thursday, March 31st

Girls Track Meet - Home - 4:30

Friday, April 1st

IASB Conference call - 8:30 - Office
Legislative Webinar - 11:30 - Office

Saturday, April 2nd

Sunday, April 3rd

Possible Interview(s) 5 - 12 Principal Candidates

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

International Study Says that U.S. needs to raise status of Teachers!

I found this report on line concerning raising the status of teachers in America…..after reading the article my only response was….

DUH!!!! Do you think so?

Sunday, March 20, 2011

What, no March Madness!!

So this is week two of our grand experiment of going without TV at the Gibbs' household....


I almost seems unamerican.  I mean no TV during March Madness!!

When I told my mom about our decision I think at first she tried to be understanding.  The only real question she had was, "but Brett how will you follow college basketball?"

When I told her that I don't watch basketball......well she never really came out and said it but I could tell what she was thinking, "this kid is no blood relation to me!" (my mom is a college basketball fanantic)

The no TV thing was really just about saving money and promoting exercise. Both my wife and I have been trying to exercise more and we thought that maybe if we didn't have the old "boob tube" anymore (does anybody still can it that?) we would get out and exercise more often.

And it seemed to be working...until today.  While out running on the bike trail my wife hurt her leg...hip flexor I think...and my right calf was so knotted up I was luck to make it up the steps into the house when we got home.

So here we's Sunday night...we're both lame and no TV.....

I'm even sorta missing "Desperate Housewives"...

Schedule for the Week of March 21 - March 26

Here is my schedule for the week of March 21st through March 26th.  It looks like I will have a very busy week as the March Board meeting will be Monday night followed by Parent Teacher Conferences on Tuesday and Thursday.  Friday should be a day off but it looks like I have a home repair list waiting for me so...... Here's what I have on my schedule this week:

Monday, March 21st 

Policy Review Committee meeting - 6:30 ICN
School Board Meeting - 7:00 ICN

Tuesday, March 22nd 

Administrative Meeting - 9:00 ICN
Early Out - 2:15
Insurance Committee Meeting - 2:30 - ICN
Parent/Teacher Conferences - 4:00 - 8:00

Wednesday, March 23rd

PD Early Out - 2:30

Thursday, March 24th

Supt. Meeting - 9:00 - Office
Early Out - 2:15
Parent/Teacher Conferences - 4:00 - 8:00

Friday, March 25th

No School
IASB Conference call - 8:30 - Office
Legislative Webinar - 11:30 - Office

Saturday, March 26th

Roller Derby - Des Moines - 7:00 (that's right Roller Derby!!)

Friday, March 11, 2011

Schedule for the Week of March 14 - March 19

Here is my schedule for the week of March 14th through March 19th.  This is also the last week for people to apply for the 5 - 12 Principal position. I will be gathering results/comments from the focus groups to share at the board meeting  on the 21st...Please feel free to log in on the school's website and take part in the process. Here's what I have on my schedule next week:

Monday, March 14th

WIC Band Festival - 12:30 - Auditorium

Tuesday, March 15th 

Technology Committee meeting - 3:40 - 4:30

Wednesday, March 16th

PD Early Out - 2:30
Leadership Team mtg. - 3:00 - 4:30 - ICN
Vocational Advisory Committee mtg. - 6:30 - Home Ec. room

Thursday, March 17th

SIACC meeting - 4:00 - ICN
Friday, March 18th

IASB Conference call - 8:30 - Office
Legislative Webinar - 11:30 - Office

Saturday, March 19th

Legislative Meeting - 8:00 - Audubon

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Schedule for the Week of March 7 - March 12

Here is my schedule for the week of March 7th through March 12th. I should be in the office Monday through Wednesday of this week but will be in Des Moines on Thursday and Friday as we finalize our updated Crisis Management plan. I have several focus group meetings this week as we develop our hiring criteria for the 5 - 12 Principal position.  More groups will meet next week along with an on-line survey for patrons to fill the school webpage for details. Here's what I have on my schedule next week:

Monday, March 7th

 Teacher PD Day - No Students
5 - 8 Teacher Focus Group - 10:30 - ICN
Technology Committee meeting - 4:00 - 5:30

Tuesday, March 8th 

Administrative mtg. - 9:00 - ICN
Support Staff Focus Group - 1:00 -ICN
Student Senate Focus Group - 2:45 - ICN
Lion's Meeting - 6:30 - Memorial Building
5 - 12 Band Concert - 7:30

Wednesday, March 9th

Copier Proposal - 9:30 - Office
PD Early Out - 2:30
9 - 12 Focus Group - 2:30 - ICN
Technology Committee mtg. - 3:00 - 4:30 - ICN

Thursday, March 10th

Crisis Management Training - 8:00 - 4:00 - Des Moines

Friday, March 11th

Crisis Management Training - 8:00 - 4:00 - Des Moines

Saturday, March 12th

If you have any questions or concerns please contact me or stop by the office for a visit.