Monday, October 31, 2011

Guilt Free Reading

As you can see from my reading list (which I hadn't update in a long time) I love to read....I come by it naturally as I was raised in a family of readers.

My dad was always reading the Reader Digest Condensed version of books...I don't know if you remember those but they would come about three or four times a year in the mail and have three or four stories in the book.

I never could figure out what was condensed about them?  What did they leave out?  Could you still follow the story or did they end every story with a cliff hanger so that you would have to go get the real book to find out what happened?

I guess with six kids to feed a condensed book was all the time that my dad had for reading!!

And my poor mother!!  I don't know that she even had time for reading a condensed book?

I think my real reading background came from my Grandpa and Grandma Gibbs...Bert and Melva were always reading...Bert read westerns and Grandma read romance novels (plus did crossword puzzles like a fiend! More about their reading habits in a later blog!)

Anyway, during the school year I always feel guilty when I read a book that's not educational in nature...I mean I'm suppose to be reading about new technology, or better teaching methods or how to inspire people to work harder (remember "Who Moved my Cheese"?;  "The Fred Factor: Are You a Fred?" and the one about the fish?)

To avoid this feeling of guilt I would wait until Thanksgiving or Christmas break and then read two or three books nonstop...then, you guessed it, I would feel guilty about ignoring my family or not getting home projects done!!

Well no more!! I have decided to read "guilt free" from now on....educational reading, recreational doesn't matter.....I'm reading what I want when I want.....John Sanford, Michael Connelly, Erik Larson, Malcolm Gladwell whomever, whenever.....if it looks good I'm reading it and guilt be damned!!

Besides, who says that I can't be a police detective in Minnesota or a lawyer in the back of a Lincoln Town car with Matthew McConaughey playing me in the movie.....And the best part....if I ever am a detective or a lawyer, then my reading for pleasure will suddenly become educational reading!!

I wonder what police detectives and lawyers read for pleasure?  Books about Superintendents????  Maybe...might just be my niche market for my first book...."Lumina Superintendent"

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Weekly Proof that I work for the week of October 31st

Here is my schedule for next week including any evening supervision or meetings that I have scheduled.

Monday, October 31st 

work in office - Site visit materials

Tuesday, November 1st

AEA Meeting - Johnston - 9:00
work in office - site visit materials

Wednesday, November 2nd

Site Visit Meeting - General Staff Group - 7:35 - ICN
Administrative mtg. - ICN - 9:00
work in office - site visit 

Thursday, November 3rd

Work in Office - site visit

Friday, November 4th

WIC Superintendent Meeting - 11:30 - Minden
Fall Play Matinee - 1:30
Fall Play - 7:30

Saturday, November 5th

Fall Play 7:30

Sunday, November 6th

Band Smorgasboard - 11:00 - 1:30

Please fill free to email or call me to schedule a meeting

Friday, October 14, 2011

Weekly Proof that I work for the week of October 17th

Here is my schedule for next week including any evening supervision or meetings that I have scheduled.

Monday, October 17th 

work in office - Site visit materials
Webinar - Governors Plan for Education - 10:00 - Office
Board Policy Committee meeting - 6:30 - ICN
School Board Meeting - 7:00 - ICN

Tuesday, October 18th

work in office - site visit materials
Supervise Regional VB - 7:00 - Home

Wednesday, October 19th

Administrative mtg. - ICN - 9:00
work in office - site visit 

Thursday, October 20th

Work in Office - site visit
7 - 12 Vocal Concert - 7:30 - Auditorium

Friday, October 21st

Work in office - site visit materials
WIC Superintendent Meeting - 11:30 - Minden

Please fill free to email or call me to schedule a meeting

Friday, October 7, 2011

Weekly Proof that I work for the week of October 10th

Here is my schedule for next week including any evening supervision or meetings that I have scheduled.

Monday, October 10th 

work in office - certified enrollment
Vision Mtg. - Office - 2:30
SPED Site Visit Group - 3:30 - ICN
WIC Cross Country - 4:00 - Country Club
Supervise JV FB - 6:00 - Home

Tuesday, October 11th

work in office - site visit materials
Supervise JH FB - 4:15 - Home
Lion's Mtg. - 6:30 - Memorial Building

Wednesday, October 12th

Learning Support Site Visit Meeting - 7:35 - ICN
Administrative mtg. - ICN - 9:00
STOP Class Bus Driver Training - 6:30 - HS

Thursday, October 13th

Work in Office - site visit
Tornado Drill - 9:00
Webinar - Office - 1:30

Friday, October 14th

End of 1st Quarter
Certify Enrollment
Work in office - site visit materials

Please fill free to email or call me to schedule a meeting