Recently the Governor released his blueprint for education in the state of Iowa entitled, "One Unshakable Vision." It was billed as Governor Branstad's plan to turn Iowa into a world-class educational leader.
The plan was heavily promoted and much anticipated by people in the education field including myself. But after reading it my impression was that it was long on ideas but very short on details. When asked about this the Governor stated that his plan was simply a conversation starter and a way to get people talking about how to change education in Iowa, the details would be worked out later.
Well if I had know that the Governor was just looking for big ideas and that I wouldn't have to fill in the details I would have emailed him with some of my thoughts before his plan came out. Maybe I'm not to, just in case the Governor or some of his aides are reading my blog here are some of my ideas: (just don't look for a lot of details!)
Gibbs' Big Idea #1 - Longer School Year - I really think I could count on one hand the number of students who are needed to help on the farm!! (the main reason our school year is set up as it is in the first place) Give me two weeks off at the end of May, another week in July and August and let's get rolling. Maybe a week off in the winter or spring to recharge every one's batteries and we would be fine.
Gibbs' Big Idea #2 - Project Based Learning - This goes along with #1 as I'm not a fan of doing the same old thing for a longer time. Students learn and retain more when they are involved in the learning activity rather than just watching and listening.
Gibbs' Big Idea #3 - Blended Curriculum - If we are really serious about preparing students for the 21st century then all classes need to incorporate technology into their curriculum. All classes should be made up of some teacher time and some technology time "blended" together to make a seamless curriculum.
Gibbs' Big Idea #4 - Online Classes - Every student should have to take a least one online class in high school. (see big idea #3 above) One of two things will happen with this idea. Either students will gain access to a subject they couldn't have received otherwise or they will come to appreciate having a caring, well informed instructor in the classroom...both of these would be good!
Gibbs' Big Idea #5 - Free Agent Teachers - Although I'm a former union member and consider myself a good Democrat, I've never understood the whole salary schedule system. If I'm the best math, science, reading...whatever teacher I should be able to offer my services on a free market basis. I should be able to march into the Superintendent's office and say, "if you want me then here is my contract demands!" I've made this statement before at Superintendent meetings in a couple of different states and I've always gotten the same response, "shut up Gibbs!!"
So there you have it, my five big ideas....with very few details!! I have more big ideas, but usually by the time I get to number three people have tuned me out or fallen asleep.
It's not easy being the big idea guy!!
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