Friday, November 30, 2012


So the election is over...Finally!!  Billions were spent (wasted) trying to convince us which candidate to support.

The states have all been colored either red or blue and people are either happy or upset or in most cases just relieved to have all of the television ads end.

But now comes the scary part...those who we elected, get to start making decisions for us...or, being the pessimist that I am, they get to start making decisions for the people who donated the most to their election.

It's especially scary for those of us in education as everyone seems to have these grand ideas on how to fix education...merit pay based upon student test results, the Common Core curriculum, vouchers to use at private schools, new charter schools... do we reauthorize No Child Left Behind or just simply give states a waiver from the law? etc, etc, etc...

Is it just me or does it seem like everyone who has these grand ideas on how to fix public education has no background in education!!  Most of them have not only never worked a single day in a public school, in some cases they have never even attended a public school in their life!!

Here in Iowa the Governor is pushing his education reform plan with a price tag of around $145 million

Now, I don't claim to know all of the details of his plan (I'm not sure that anyone does at this point in time) and the Governor assures us that his plan will make a difference and return Iowa to it's former status as #1 when it comes to education in the U.S. But this is the same guy who two years ago told us that Pre-school wasn't that important!! (there's that pessimist coming out again!)

So before I get all excited and jump on the bandwagon there are a few questions I need the Governor to answer:

  • Are your proposals research based?  Is there proof that they actual work or are our students the guinea pigs?
  • Where's your implementation plan?  Do we know where we're headed with your proposals or are we "building the plane while we fly it?"
  • Are your proposals "one size fits all" or will there be some flexibility for rural schools versus urban schools in how your proposals are implemented?
  • Will your proposals be funded?  (we seem to get a lot of unfunded mandates, so pardon my skepticism)
  • Are your proposals sustainable?  Or will they change with the next election? (before my time in Iowa but I'm hearing lots of talk about Phase III funding?? Instructional Support Levy? Ring a bell?)
  • Finally, are your proposals being made because they are what is best for our Iowa kids?  
As a long time public school educator the last point is the big one for me.  Governor, I need to know that the your proposals are truly being made because you want what's best for our students.  I need to know that your not just making proposals that are best for your political party, your donors, or your business connections.  I need to be assured that your not just trying to break the teachers union or close schools but that you truly believe that your proposals will give all Iowa students a great education and a chance for a bright future.

Governor, if your truly interested in working with all Iowans on improving education for all students well then make room for me on your bandwagon as I'll be all in on making the changes your proposing...but until then, well, pessimism is my middle name.

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