Sunday, January 31, 2016

Enrollment by the Numbers

In Iowa, school districts officially count students on October 1st of each year. Those numbers are then used by the Department of Education to determine the amount of state funding each district will receive for the following school year. The official numbers for each district were released by the Department of Education last week.

Since students in Iowa have the ability to attend school in a district other than the district in which they live through Open Enrollment a Superintendent needs to be aware of two important numbers when preparing the schools budget.

Certified Enrollment - made up of all residents students who live in your district whether they Open Enroll to another district or not.

Resident students + Open Enrolled Out students = Certified Enrollment

Total Enrollment Served - These are the actual K - 12 students who are in your building every day or "Butts in Seat" enrollment numbers.

Resident students + Open Enrolled In students = Total Enrollment Served

Since State Funding follows the student every district hopes that their Total Enrollment Served Number is higher than their Certified Enrollment Number.

Below are two spreadsheets, one showing enrollment numbers as counted on October 1st, 2015 by area districts, and the second showing Certified Enrollment Numbers for the same districts over the past five years.   Sadly, for all the school districts included in the spreadsheets, certified enrollment numbers have declined over the past five years.

Enrollment Numbers as of October 1st, 2015

Certified Enrollment 5-Year Trend

State funding to schools is paid on a per student basis to schools.  When you combine declining enrollment in Iowa's rural schools with an insufficient increase in State Supplemental Aid (1.87% average increase over the past six years) it becomes very difficult for small, rural schools to continue offering a "World Class Education," to quote the Governor.

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