Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Board Awards Contract for Elementary Remodeling Project

Before their regular November meeting the Audubon Community School Board held a public hearing concerning the bids received for the elementary remodeling project set to begin in the spring of 2015.   

Four area companies submitted qualifying bids to be the General Contractor for the project.  During the hearing Superintendent Gibbs reviewed the four bids with the board along with the estimated project cost as established by DLR Group the architectural firm hired to design the remodeling project.

Renovation Bids
Allied Engineering Atlantic
Badding Construction
Rotert Construction Halbur
Tbb&m Design Greenfield
Estimated cost for Project
Base Bid
Alternate 1





Alternate 2
LED Lights





Alternate 3
LED Lights Bathroom





Total Bid Amounts






Following the public hearing the first action item on the agenda was the awarding of the contract for the elementary remodeling project.  Acting on the recommendation of Superintendent Gibbs and Mark Berg of DLR Group the board accepted the low base bid from Badding Construction along with Alternate CC-1 to remodel the bathrooms.  They rejected both alternates dealing with the upgrade to LED lighting.  That made the total bid amount with Badding Construction $632,600.

The total cost to complete this project is estimated to be $803,895 when remaining architectural fees, the project contingency, asbestos abatement and completion of the HVAC system are added to the contract awarded to Badding Construction.  This project will be paid for by the district’s share of the Statewide One Cent Sales tax revenue, so no local property taxes will be utilized.   Currently the project is set to start as soon as possible following the completion of the current school year with a substantial completion date set for August 10th.