Friday, November 30, 2012


So the election is over...Finally!!  Billions were spent (wasted) trying to convince us which candidate to support.

The states have all been colored either red or blue and people are either happy or upset or in most cases just relieved to have all of the television ads end.

But now comes the scary part...those who we elected, get to start making decisions for us...or, being the pessimist that I am, they get to start making decisions for the people who donated the most to their election.

It's especially scary for those of us in education as everyone seems to have these grand ideas on how to fix education...merit pay based upon student test results, the Common Core curriculum, vouchers to use at private schools, new charter schools... do we reauthorize No Child Left Behind or just simply give states a waiver from the law? etc, etc, etc...

Is it just me or does it seem like everyone who has these grand ideas on how to fix public education has no background in education!!  Most of them have not only never worked a single day in a public school, in some cases they have never even attended a public school in their life!!

Here in Iowa the Governor is pushing his education reform plan with a price tag of around $145 million

Now, I don't claim to know all of the details of his plan (I'm not sure that anyone does at this point in time) and the Governor assures us that his plan will make a difference and return Iowa to it's former status as #1 when it comes to education in the U.S. But this is the same guy who two years ago told us that Pre-school wasn't that important!! (there's that pessimist coming out again!)

So before I get all excited and jump on the bandwagon there are a few questions I need the Governor to answer:

  • Are your proposals research based?  Is there proof that they actual work or are our students the guinea pigs?
  • Where's your implementation plan?  Do we know where we're headed with your proposals or are we "building the plane while we fly it?"
  • Are your proposals "one size fits all" or will there be some flexibility for rural schools versus urban schools in how your proposals are implemented?
  • Will your proposals be funded?  (we seem to get a lot of unfunded mandates, so pardon my skepticism)
  • Are your proposals sustainable?  Or will they change with the next election? (before my time in Iowa but I'm hearing lots of talk about Phase III funding?? Instructional Support Levy? Ring a bell?)
  • Finally, are your proposals being made because they are what is best for our Iowa kids?  
As a long time public school educator the last point is the big one for me.  Governor, I need to know that the your proposals are truly being made because you want what's best for our students.  I need to know that your not just making proposals that are best for your political party, your donors, or your business connections.  I need to be assured that your not just trying to break the teachers union or close schools but that you truly believe that your proposals will give all Iowa students a great education and a chance for a bright future.

Governor, if your truly interested in working with all Iowans on improving education for all students well then make room for me on your bandwagon as I'll be all in on making the changes your proposing...but until then, well, pessimism is my middle name.

Friday, October 12, 2012

A Great Place to Work

Recently the Audubon Community School was named one of the top workplaces in the small business category by the Des Moines Register and Workplace Dynamics...the only school listed in this category!!

It just confirms what I've know for the past five years...This IS a great place to work!!

Don't get me wrong, we have our moments around here where it's not so great (and even occasionally a day or two) but for the most part it's a joy coming to work everyday here at the Audubon Community School.

Why did we receive this award?  Here are a few employee comments from the survey:

"I believe it positively affects the future of young people."

"Very good people to work with who have a positive attitude towards work and each other."

"We strive to do right by the students we serve."

"The integrity of the leadership of this district contributes most to my confidence."

I have worked in several schools, (this is my 7th to be exact) in my 30 years of education and although I've enjoyed all of my educational stops, this has been, by far, the most enjoyable and it's because of the people I get to work with!!

Now we're not walking around here all day giving each other hugs, high fives and pats on the back(that would be a little creepy) but I have never worked in a place where so many people have such a positive, can-do attitude. Where everybody seems to have one goal in mind and that's to make this a great place for kids to learn!!

 So thanks to all of you who make this such a great place to and the students are why Mondays truly are my favorite day of the week!!

Congratulations to us!!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Another Way to Show your School Pride!!

The great thing about school (yes,there are great things about school) is that you don't always have to be an athlete in order to compete and show your school pride.

This past week our Soil Judging team placed at a competition and has now qualified for the Iowa State Soil Judging Contest!!  Who knew!! A contest in judging dirt!! Who knew!! We have a Soil Judging Team!!

Now I'm not trying to make fun of FFA or soil judging in anyway...I mean, I just never knew that there was a a state competition in judging soils...sandy soil vs. loomy soil, black dirt vs. brown dirt (Obviously, I have no idea what they judge or even what different types of soil there are. What is the difference between dirt and soil? I need a lessen.)

I guess I keep picturing the FFA competition from the movie, Napoleon Dynamite where the lead character would taste a glass of milk and could tell what the cow was eating for feed...lots of blue corduroy jackets and funny jokes!

All kidding aside, it's great that the kids who maybe aren't bigger, faster or stronger, who maybe have no interest in sports of any kind (yes, there are those people out there, thank god) still have an opportunity to represent their school.

I don't know if this is a spectator event or not, but I would love to attend as an administrator because it sounds like a dream supervision job, no little kid football games on the sidelines, no screaming parents, no screaming coaches...just blue corduroy jackets and piles of dirt!!

 For once at an event, I could yell, "stop watching the game and start playing in the dirt!!"

I wonder if my activity pass gets me in for free?

Friday, September 14, 2012

What did you do on your summer vacation?

In the old days, (in my case the 1960's and 70's), back before Twitter, Facebook, cellphones and email, it was a tradition that on the first day back to school kids shared with their classmates what they did over the summer.

As I remember back to those dark ages, it always seemed like my classmates had more interesting stories to tell about their summer vacations than I did.  There always seemed to be a few that traveled to far away places like Omaha, or Minneapolis or even the Black Hills.  Me?  I never left the state of South Dakota!! (I guess the thought of six kids and a dog traveling in a car with no air conditioning wasn't to appealing to my folks)

My summers were pretty much bike riding and travel, no trips to the cities, no exotic vacations to the Black Hills...just bike riding and baseball...not much to tell on the first day of school.  I had a very boring upbringing!!

Finally, this summer I actually did something worth telling my classmates about.

That's right, me, old bike riding, baseball playing, boring Gibbs had a summer to talk about!!

Here I am teacher!!  Ready to share with the class!

My hands in the air, waving like crazy just waiting for my turn to share!!

Please, will someone just ask me what I did on my summer vacation??

Okay, I thought you would never ask:

  1. I married my niece!!  (No I mean I officiated at my nieces wedding, what an honor!!)
  2. I went to the Twin Cities and cheered on the Twins on three different occasions. (Yes, they are in last place! Not my fault!!)
  3. Ran in my first 5K during Dam to Dam!!  (finished 15th in my age group and yes, there were more than 15 people in my age group)
  4. Went on a vacation to the Black Hills and climbed Harney Peak!! (Highest point east of the Rocky Mountains)
  5. Attended a family reunion on my mom's side of the family and actually had a good time! (and if you knew my mom's side of the family that's saying a lot!)
Finally, just like when I was a kid, I played, I relaxed, I recharged my battery and got excited for another year of school...and, just like back in the 60's and 70's, I still love the beginning of a new school year!!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Am I a Tweeter or just a Twit??

Each year the principals and I get together and set district and personal goals that we would like to accomplish for the upcoming school year.

Last year, one of my personal goals was to increase the schools presence on social media.  I'm always reading about how other Superintendent's and schools are using Facebook and Twitter to promote their school and school groups. They report that by using social media they are able to increase public awareness and support for their school.  Since I already have an account on both Facebook and Twitter I figured that using them for school would be fairly easy.  For the first year I thought I would start with Twitter since I had just received some training on how to use it and it seemed a little easier to use.

I was wrong...first of all, we block both Facebook and Twitter at school which made it very difficult for me to set up and maintain a school account...(difficult for me, but the block didn't seem to stop the kids from using them!!)

The second problem, and the one that caused me to fail to reach my had to actually log in and update your account!!  Shouldn't be that hard, on Twitter you can only use 140 characters per update so no long post to worry about writing (unlike my blog updates which seem to go on and on) year, same old goal...this time though I'm working on a challenge as someone dared to tell me that no one would follow the Wheelers on Twitter even if I kept it we go..

I need to have people sign in click here (or log-in for those of you who already have a Twitter account) and start following the Wheelers on Twitter @gowheelers...that's it!!

Although I think the original challenge was to double my followers (I started the year with 13!!) I am making it a personal goal to get at least a hundred followers.  After only one week I'm already up to 15 so I'm well on my way...

For my part I will promise to post updates concerning upcoming school events, tweet updates from school sporting events and any other information concerning the Audubon Wheelers that their fans might find interesting (or that I find interesting at least...since I'm the one doing the posting)

Please pass the word and the web link and start following the Wheelers on Twitter!!

Get started here:  click here a Tweeter not a Twit!!  @gowheelers

Thursday, August 30, 2012


Motorists will have no trouble telling who they’re meeting on the road this year as the Audubon Wheelers will be hauling their equipment in style thanks to a very generous donation from the Audubon State Bank.

The 16 ft. H & H Trailer was lettered by Jeff DeBower of Cam Ross Signs and will be used by all school organizations to transport their equipment to school events.

This fall the Wheeler football team will be using the trailer but the Audubon Band, Speech team, FFA and Industrial Technology club will also utilize it throughout the school year.

The addition of the trailer will mean that equipment will not have to be placed in bus seats or the bus aisle, which can be a safety hazard for the riders.

This trailer is an excellent example of the community/school relationship that the Audubon Community School enjoys and we wish to thank Audubon State Bank for their support.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


I love the beginning of the school year...always have, even as a students, new books, (or computers in this day and age) new clothes and shoes...a fresh start for everyone, me included!

But as I get older the excitement of a new year seems to wear off a little quicker.  Here I am, starting my 30th year as an educator (that's right I started teaching at the age of 10...can you say Doogie Howser) and the newness has already wore off.

I'm already tired of state reports, budgets, state reports, requisitions forms, state reports, leave forms, state reports and bus routes... especially bus routes!!

I took this duty on a couple of years ago in order to save some money for the district...I mean how tough can it be...we know where students live, we know that a bus needs to drive to their house twice a day picking up and dropping off the students and we know that the county has a road that connects all residents in the school district.  Pretty simple idea...schools have been doing it for years...

First of all, no one told me about the fact that every parent wants their kids to be the last one picked up in the morning and the first one dropped off at night!!  No matter how far from town they may live.

And then the map making experience...a combination of orienteering, geometry and coloring...Please stay within the lines!!

Really, try drawing up routes in this'll quickly find that you can't get there from here!!  You can see the next house but what should be a two-minute, one-mile drive actually becomes a eight-minute four-mile drive because the road that use to connect those two farmsteads is no longer in use!!

This year I thought I would use technology to help me solve my transportation problems and logged into Google Maps to draw up the routes...well I guess Google experts weren't notified when the county decided they could no longer afford to replace a bridge or maintain a road, because after entering all of the addresses for my bus stops Google Map simply drew nice straight lines between the farmsteads with no regard to whether or not the roads were still passable or not.

So it was back to a ruler a pencil and some colored markers to make up maps for another year...and about the time I think I'm done comes the dreaded phone call from a new family,

"Welcome to the District, you are living where? I'm sorry, I can't get there from here!"

*My apologies to the great BBC series, "Last of the Summer Wine."

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Proof that I work for the week of February 6th

Here is my schedule for next week including any evening supervision or meetings that I have scheduled.

Monday, February 6th

Work in Office
State Jazz Choir - Home

Tuesday, February 7th

AEA Meeting - Johnston - 9:00
Building Presentation - AMVC - 4:00

Wednesday, February 8th

Administrative Meeting - ICN - 9:00
Work in Office
Technology Committee mtg. - ICN - 3:40
Early Out - PD

Thursday, February 9th

Work in Office
DMACC Meeting - Office - 1:00
Special School Board Meeting - Board room - 7:30

Friday, February 10th

Work in Office
ISFC Webinar - Office - 11:00

Saturday, February 11th

Wrestling Regionals - Greenfield - 12:00

Please fill free to email or call me to schedule a meeting

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Weekly Proof that I work for the week of February 4th

Here is my schedule for next week including any evening supervision or meetings that I have scheduled.

Monday, January 30th

Work in Office

Tuesday, January 31st

Dr Appointment - 9:45
H.S. Basketball - 6:00 Supervise

Wednesday, February 1st

Aid & Levy Workshop - Johnston - 7:00 - 12:00
Early Out - PD
Leadership Team Meeting - ICN - 3:30

Thursday, February 2nd

Meeting concerning ICN - Office - 10:00
DMACC Meeting - Carroll - 1:30
JH GBB - Home - 4:15
JH Wrestling - Home - 4:15

Friday, February 3rd

WIC Superintendent Meeting - Minden - 11:30
HS Basketball - Home - 6:00 Parent's Night

Saturday, February 4th

Wrestling Sectionals - Guthrie Center - 12:00

Please fill free to email or call me to schedule a meeting

Friday, January 20, 2012

Weekly Proof that I work for the week of January 23rd

Here is my schedule for next week including any evening supervision or meetings that I have scheduled.

Monday, January23rd

Work in Office
JH Girls Basketball - Home - 4:15

Tuesday, January 24th

Office Meeting - 8:00 - 9:00
Lion's Pancake Feed @ Friendship Home - 4:30
H.S. Basketball - 6:00 Supervise

Wednesday, January 25th 

Administrative Meeting - 9:00  - ICN
Early Out - PD

Thursday, January 26th

Work in Office
JH GBB - Home - 4:15
HS Basketball - Home - 6:00

Friday, January 27th

Meeting with Coon Rapids Administration - Office - 9:00
Firemen's Youth Wrestling Meet

Saturday, January 28th

Wheeler Wrestling Invitational Tournament - 10:00
Staff Celebration - 6:00

Please fill free to email or call me to schedule a meeting

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Weekly Proof that I work for the week of January 16th

Here is my schedule for next week including any evening supervision or meetings that I have scheduled.

Monday, January 16th

Work in Office
School Board Policy Review Committee - 6:30 - ICN
School Board Meeting - 7:00 - ICN

Tuesday, January 17th

Records Webinar - 9:00 Office
Band Cavatini Supper - 5:00
H.S. Basketball - 6:00 Supervise

Wednesday, January 18th 

Administrative Meeting - 9:00  - ICN
Early Out - PD

Thursday, January 19th

Work in Office
JH GBB - Home - 4:15
HS Wrestling Triangular - Home - 6:00
(Parent's Night)

Friday, January 20th

Work in Office
Lion's Pink Out Dinner - 5:30
HS Basketball - Pink Out - 6:00

Saturday, January 21st

Please fill free to email or call me to schedule a meeting

Friday, January 6, 2012

Weekly Proof that I work for the week of January 9th

Here is my schedule for next week including any evening supervision or meetings that I have scheduled.

Monday, January 9th

Work in Office

Tuesday, January 10th

Bleacher Meeting - 9:30 Office
H.S. Basketball - 6:00 Supervise
Lion's Meeting - 6:30 Memorial Building

Wednesday, January 11th 

Administrative Meeting - 9:00  - ICN
Early Out - PD
Technology Committee meeting - 3:30 - ICN

Thursday, January 12th

Work in Office
JH GBB - Carroll - 3:00 - Drive Van

Friday, January 13th

Work in Office

Saturday, January 14th

H.S. Boy's Basketball - 6:00 Supervise

Please fill free to email or call me to schedule a meeting

Monday, January 2, 2012

Weekly Proof that I work for the week of January 2nd

Here is my schedule for next week including any evening supervision or meetings that I have scheduled.

Monday, January 2nd

No School
Teacher Inservice - Work in Office

Tuesday, January 3rd

AEA Meeting - Johnston - 9:00
Work in Office
Open School for Caucus - 6:00

Wednesday, January 4th 

Start of Second Semester
Administrative Meeting - 9:00  - ICN
Early Out - PD
Sports Booster Meeting - ICN - 6:00

Thursday, January 5th

Work in Office

Friday, January 6th

Work in Office

Saturday, January 7th

Wrestling Tournament - Coon Rapids

Please fill free to email or call me to schedule a meeting